Training in Reflexology-Qigong Therapy ​- Bucharest 2024

The event will take place in October 2024. We will return with further details soon. Stay tuned for more information and updates about this event!

14th – 20th of October 2024

Master Lin Kai Ting will give a unique course on Reflexology combined with energy techniques, namely Qigong.

Reflexotherapy, if accompanied by qi emission, has totally different and very special effects!

The course is meant for all those who want to learn, that is, people who do not know are new to Qigong or who are already practitioners, whether non-therapists or specialists working in the complex field of therapies.

You have the opportunity to receive Qigong initiation from the Master, both to be able to emit energy – qi and to feel it.

The course is a practical one. Master Lin Kai Ting teaches, initiates in the ability to work with energy - qi, and the students will practice together and under his guidance.

The main topics covered, are:
  • Collecting Qi (gathering of energy) – initiation and practice
  • Emitting Qi – initiation and practice
  • Qigong Reflexotherapy – with energy emission in reflexogenic areas

The course will be held physically and also streamed live online on zoom.

To register you need to log into your personal QilinGong account. If you do not have such an account it is necessary, for registration, to create one.

You can get an idea of ​​this course by viewing the following materials:


In order to participate in this course, it is mandatory for all the participants to send the GDPR Agreement signed - scan or photo (unless it has been previously provided).

The GDPR Agreement is to be sent only once to
All the participants will need:
  • two thin towels, about 35 - 40 cm by 70 cm (not smaller but also, not too big).
  • A spray bottle with alcohol/medicinal spirit.
  • Appropriate clothing as you will be working on the area from the knee to the foot, directly on the skin (trousers should be easy to lift up to the knee).
  • slippers and/or footwear that you will use only in the classroom
Please Note! If you participate online you need a massage bed and a partner to practice with.
Program - Romanian time zone (GMT+3) This is an intensive, nine-session course that runs for 7 days as follows:

MondayFriday daily, from 17:30 to 21:30

Saturday and Sunday there will be two sessions (each): morning 9:00 – 12:00 and afternoon 16:00 – 20:00

Location: Dimar Academy Hall - 1st floor - for physical participation, in the hall

Zoom - online participation

Address: 15-17, Sold. Gh. Matac st. (area: junction Barbu Văcărescu - bvd. Lacul Tei, after the ISPE Institute, just before the Mol gas station)

Registrations open on Sunday 1st of September strting with 00:00 hour, from your personal QilinGong account.


225 € - for those attending online, on zoom

265 € - for those for those attending personally, in Dimar Academy Hall

The Meeting ID and passcode will be sent only after receiving the bank payment confirmation and the GDPR Agreement  - unless sent previously

Payment details:  in Euro, not later than 12th of October   -    Prices do not include bank transfer fees
          • CIF:   12480620
          • Address:  11, Prisaca Dornei st, sect.3, Bucharest
          • IBAN:  RO11 BRMA 0999 1000 9225 0294
          • Bank: Exim Banca Romaneasca - branch Titan
          • Swift:  BRMAROBU
          • Bank Address: str. Liviu Rebreanu nr.12, bl K2, sect.3, Bucharest
      • Details:  participation in Reflexo-Qigong Course – name(s) of the participant(s)
  • Please send asap the Bank Transfer Confirmation to our e-mail address:  not later than 12th of October.

    Unless the payment is not received by the specified due date, your booking will be terminated automatically